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Homework 11

This is the task corresponding to homework 11.


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Definitions File

theory Defs
  imports Main

type_synonym vname = string
type_synonym val = int
type_synonym state = "vname \<Rightarrow> val"

datatype aexp
 = N int | V vname | Plus aexp aexp
 | Minus aexp aexp | Mul aexp aexp | Div aexp aexp

fun aval :: "aexp \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> val" where
"aval (N n) s = n" |
"aval (V x) s = s x" |
"aval (Plus a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2) s = aval a\<^sub>1 s + aval a\<^sub>2 s" |
"aval (Div a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2) s = aval a\<^sub>1 s div aval a\<^sub>2 s" |
"aval (Mul a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2) s = aval a\<^sub>1 s * aval a\<^sub>2 s" |
"aval (Minus a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2) s = aval a\<^sub>1 s - aval a\<^sub>2 s"

definition null_state ("<>") where
  "null_state \<equiv> \<lambda>x. 0"
  "_State" :: "updbinds => 'a" ("<_>")
  "_State ms" == "_Update <> ms"
  "_State (_updbinds b bs)" <= "_Update (_State b) bs"

datatype bexp = Bc bool | Not bexp | And bexp bexp | Less aexp aexp

fun bval :: "bexp \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bval (Bc v) s = v" |
"bval (Not b) s = (\<not> bval b s)" |
"bval (And b\<^sub>1 b\<^sub>2) s = (bval b\<^sub>1 s \<and> bval b\<^sub>2 s)" |
"bval (Less a\<^sub>1 a\<^sub>2) s = (aval a\<^sub>1 s < aval a\<^sub>2 s)"

  com = SKIP
      | Assign vname aexp       ("_ ::= _" [1000, 61] 61)
      | Seq    com  com         ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60)
      | If     bexp com com     ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)
      | While  bexp com         ("(WHILE _/ DO _)"  [0, 61] 61)

  big_step :: "com \<times> state \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<Rightarrow>" 55)
Skip: "(SKIP,s) \<Rightarrow> s" |
Assign: "(x ::= a,s) \<Rightarrow> s(x := aval a s)" |
Seq: "\<lbrakk> (c\<^sub>1,s\<^sub>1) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>2;  (c\<^sub>2,s\<^sub>2) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>3 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (c\<^sub>1;;c\<^sub>2, s\<^sub>1) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>3" |
IfTrue: "\<lbrakk> bval b s;  (c\<^sub>1,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2, s) \<Rightarrow> t" |
IfFalse: "\<lbrakk> \<not>bval b s;  (c\<^sub>2,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2, s) \<Rightarrow> t" |
WhileFalse: "\<not>bval b s \<Longrightarrow> (WHILE b DO c,s) \<Rightarrow> s" |
"\<lbrakk> bval b s\<^sub>1;  (c,s\<^sub>1) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>2;  (WHILE b DO c, s\<^sub>2) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>3 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (WHILE b DO c, s\<^sub>1) \<Rightarrow> s\<^sub>3"

code_pred big_step .

declare big_step.intros [intro]
lemmas big_step_induct = big_step.induct[split_format(complete)]
thm big_step_induct

inductive_cases SkipE[elim!]: "(SKIP,s) \<Rightarrow> t"
thm SkipE
inductive_cases AssignE[elim!]: "(x ::= a,s) \<Rightarrow> t"
thm AssignE
inductive_cases SeqE[elim!]: "(c1;;c2,s1) \<Rightarrow> s3"
thm SeqE
inductive_cases IfE[elim!]: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2,s) \<Rightarrow> t"
thm IfE

inductive_cases WhileE[elim]: "(WHILE b DO c,s) \<Rightarrow> t"
thm WhileE

theorem big_step_determ: "\<lbrakk> (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t; (c,s) \<Rightarrow> u \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> u = t"
  by (induction arbitrary: u rule: big_step.induct) blast+

  equiv_c :: "com \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<sim>" 50) where
  "c \<sim> c' \<equiv> (\<forall>s t. (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t  =  (c',s) \<Rightarrow> t)"

lemma unfold_while:
  "(WHILE b DO c) \<sim> (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP)" (is "?w \<sim> ?iw")
proof -
  have "(?iw, s) \<Rightarrow> t" if assm: "(?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t" for s t
  proof -
    from assm show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case WhileFalse
      thus ?thesis by blast
      case WhileTrue
      from \<open>bval b s\<close> \<open>(?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t\<close> obtain s' where
        "(c, s) \<Rightarrow> s'" and "(?w, s') \<Rightarrow> t" by auto
      hence "(c;; ?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t" by (rule Seq)
      with \<open>bval b s\<close> show ?thesis by (rule IfTrue)
  have "(?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t" if assm: "(?iw, s) \<Rightarrow> t" for s t
  proof -
    from assm show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case IfFalse
      hence "s = t" using \<open>(?iw, s) \<Rightarrow> t\<close> by blast
      thus ?thesis using \<open>\<not>bval b s\<close> by blast
      case IfTrue
      from \<open>(c;; ?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t\<close> obtain s' where
        "(c, s) \<Rightarrow> s'" and "(?w, s') \<Rightarrow> t" by auto
      with \<open>bval b s\<close> show ?thesis by (rule WhileTrue)
  show ?thesis by blast

paragraph "Hoare"

type_synonym assn = "state \<Rightarrow> bool"

abbreviation state_subst :: "state \<Rightarrow> aexp \<Rightarrow> vname \<Rightarrow> state"
  ("_[_'/_]" [1000,0,0] 999)
where "s[a/x] == s(x := aval a s)"

paragraph "Partial correctness"

partial_hoare_valid :: "assn \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> bool" ("\<Turnstile> {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where
"\<Turnstile> {P}c{Q} = (\<forall>s t. P s \<and> (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t  \<longrightarrow>  Q t)"

  partial_hoare :: "assn \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> bool" ("\<turnstile> ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)})" 50)
partial_Skip: "\<turnstile> {P} SKIP {P}"  |

partial_Assign:  "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. P(s[a/x])} x::=a {P}"  |

partial_Seq: "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile> {P} c\<^sub>1 {Q};  \<turnstile> {Q} c\<^sub>2 {R} \<rbrakk>
      \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P} c\<^sub>1;;c\<^sub>2 {R}"  |

partial_If: "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s} c\<^sub>1 {Q};  \<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> \<not> bval b s} c\<^sub>2 {Q} \<rbrakk>
     \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P} IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2 {Q}"  |

partial_While: "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s} c {P} \<Longrightarrow>
        \<turnstile> {P} WHILE b DO c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> \<not> bval b s}"  |

partial_conseq: "\<lbrakk> \<forall>s. P' s \<longrightarrow> P s;  \<turnstile> {P} c {Q};  \<forall>s. Q s \<longrightarrow> Q' s \<rbrakk>
        \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P'} c {Q'}"

lemmas [simp] = partial_hoare.partial_Skip partial_hoare.partial_Assign partial_hoare.partial_Seq partial_If

lemmas [intro!] = partial_hoare.partial_Skip partial_hoare.partial_Assign partial_hoare.partial_Seq partial_hoare.partial_If

lemma partial_strengthen_pre:
  "\<lbrakk> \<forall>s. P' s \<longrightarrow> P s;  \<turnstile> {P} c {Q} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P'} c {Q}"
by (blast intro: partial_conseq)

lemma partial_weaken_post:
  "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile> {P} c {Q};  \<forall>s. Q s \<longrightarrow> Q' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  \<turnstile> {P} c {Q'}"
  by (blast intro: partial_conseq)

lemma partial_Assign': "\<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> Q(s[a/x]) \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P} x ::= a {Q}"
by (simp add: partial_strengthen_pre[OF _ partial_Assign])

lemma partial_While':
assumes "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s} c {P}" and "\<forall>s. P s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s"
shows "\<turnstile> {P} WHILE b DO c {Q}"
by(rule partial_weaken_post[OF partial_While[OF assms(1)] assms(2)])

definition partial_wp :: "com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> assn" where
"partial_wp c Q = (\<lambda>s. \<forall>t. (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t  \<longrightarrow>  Q t)"

lemma partial_wp_SKIP[simp]: "partial_wp SKIP Q = Q"
by (rule ext) (auto simp: partial_wp_def)

lemma partial_wp_Ass[simp]: "partial_wp (x::=a) Q = (\<lambda>s. Q(s[a/x]))"
by (rule ext) (auto simp: partial_wp_def)

lemma partial_wp_partial_Seq[simp]: "partial_wp (c\<^sub>1;;c\<^sub>2) Q = partial_wp c\<^sub>1 (partial_wp c\<^sub>2 Q)"
by (rule ext) (auto simp: partial_wp_def)

lemma partial_wp_partial_If[simp]:
 "partial_wp (IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2) Q =
 (\<lambda>s. if bval b s then partial_wp c\<^sub>1 Q s else partial_wp c\<^sub>2 Q s)"
by (rule ext) (auto simp: partial_wp_def)

lemma partial_wp_partial_While_partial_If:
 "partial_wp (WHILE b DO c) Q s =
  partial_wp (IF b THEN c;;WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP) Q s"
unfolding partial_wp_def by (metis unfold_while)

lemma partial_wp_partial_While_True[simp]: "bval b s \<Longrightarrow>
  partial_wp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = partial_wp (c;; WHILE b DO c) Q s"
by(simp add: partial_wp_partial_While_partial_If)

lemma partial_wp_partial_While_False[simp]: "\<not> bval b s \<Longrightarrow> partial_wp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = Q s"
by(simp add: partial_wp_partial_While_partial_If)

lemma partial_wp_is_pre: "\<turnstile> {partial_wp c Q} c {Q}"
proof(induction c arbitrary: Q)
  case If thus ?case by(auto intro: partial_hoare.partial_conseq)
  case (While b c)
  let ?w = "WHILE b DO c"
  show "\<turnstile> {partial_wp ?w Q} ?w {Q}"
  proof(rule partial_While')
    show "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. partial_wp ?w Q s \<and> bval b s} c {partial_wp ?w Q}"
    proof(rule partial_strengthen_pre[OF _ While.IH])
      show "\<forall>s. partial_wp ?w Q s \<and> bval b s \<longrightarrow> partial_wp c (partial_wp ?w Q) s" by auto
    show "\<forall>s. partial_wp ?w Q s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s" by auto
qed auto

lemma partial_hoare_complete: assumes "\<Turnstile> {P}c{Q}" shows "\<turnstile> {P}c{Q}"
proof(rule partial_strengthen_pre)
  show "\<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> partial_wp c Q s" using assms
    by (auto simp: partial_hoare_valid_def partial_wp_def)
  show "\<turnstile> {partial_wp c Q} c {Q}" by(rule partial_wp_is_pre)

paragraph "Annotated commands"

datatype acom =
  Askip                  ("SKIP") |
  Aassign vname aexp     ("(_ ::= _)" [1000, 61] 61) |
  Aseq   acom acom       ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60) |
  Aif bexp acom acom     ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61) |
  Awhile assn bexp acom
    ("({_}/ WHILE _/ DO _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)

bundle ACOM begin
no_notation SKIP ("SKIP")
no_notation Assign ("_ ::= _" [1000, 61] 61)
no_notation Seq    ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60)
no_notation If ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)
notation Askip ("SKIP")
notation Aassign ("(_ ::= _)" [1000, 61] 61)
notation Aseq ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60)
notation Aif ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)

bundle COM begin
no_notation Askip ("SKIP")
no_notation Aassign ("(_ ::= _)" [1000, 61] 61)
no_notation Aseq ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60)
no_notation Aif ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)
notation SKIP ("SKIP")
notation Assign ("_ ::= _" [1000, 61] 61)
notation Seq    ("_;;/ _"  [60, 61] 60)
notation If ("(IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _)"  [0, 0, 61] 61)

unbundle ACOM

fun strip :: "acom \<Rightarrow> com" where
"strip SKIP = com.SKIP" |
"strip (x ::= a) = com.Assign x a" |
"strip (C\<^sub>1;; C\<^sub>2) = com.Seq (strip C\<^sub>1) (strip C\<^sub>2)" |
"strip (IF b THEN C\<^sub>1 ELSE C\<^sub>2) = com.If b (strip C\<^sub>1) (strip C\<^sub>2)" |
"strip ({_} WHILE b DO C) = com.While b (strip C)"

paragraph "VCG for partial correctness"

fun partial_pre :: "acom \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> assn" where
"partial_pre SKIP Q = Q" |
"partial_pre (x ::= a) Q = (\<lambda>s. Q(s(x := aval a s)))" |
"partial_pre (C\<^sub>1;; C\<^sub>2) Q = partial_pre C\<^sub>1 (partial_pre C\<^sub>2 Q)" |
"partial_pre (IF b THEN C\<^sub>1 ELSE C\<^sub>2) Q =
  (\<lambda>s. if bval b s then partial_pre C\<^sub>1 Q s else partial_pre C\<^sub>2 Q s)" |
"partial_pre ({I} WHILE b DO C) Q = I"

fun vc :: "acom \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"vc SKIP Q = True" |
"vc (x ::= a) Q = True" |
"vc (C\<^sub>1;; C\<^sub>2) Q = (vc C\<^sub>1 (partial_pre C\<^sub>2 Q) \<and> vc C\<^sub>2 Q)" |
"vc (IF b THEN C\<^sub>1 ELSE C\<^sub>2) Q = (vc C\<^sub>1 Q \<and> vc C\<^sub>2 Q)" |
"vc ({I} WHILE b DO C) Q =
  ((\<forall>s. (I s \<and> bval b s \<longrightarrow> partial_pre C I s) \<and>
        (I s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s)) \<and>
    vc C I)"

lemma vc_sound: "vc C Q \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {partial_pre C Q} strip C {Q}"
proof(induction C arbitrary: Q)
  case (Awhile I b C)
  show ?case
  proof(simp, rule partial_While')
    from \<open>vc (Awhile I b C) Q\<close>
    have vc: "vc C I" and IQ: "\<forall>s. I s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s" and
         partial_pre: "\<forall>s. I s \<and> bval b s \<longrightarrow> partial_pre C I s" by simp_all
    have "\<turnstile> {partial_pre C I} strip C {I}" by(rule Awhile.IH[OF vc])
    with partial_pre show "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. I s \<and> bval b s} strip C {I}"
      by(rule partial_strengthen_pre)
    show "\<forall>s. I s \<and> \<not>bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s" by(rule IQ)
qed (auto intro: partial_conseq)

corollary vc_sound':
  "\<lbrakk> vc C Q; \<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> partial_pre C Q s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P} strip C {Q}"
by (metis partial_strengthen_pre vc_sound)

unbundle COM

paragraph "Total correctness"

definition hoare_tvalid :: "assn \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> bool"
  ("\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)}" 50) where
"\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}  \<longleftrightarrow>  (\<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>t. (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<and> Q t))"

  hoaret :: "assn \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> bool" ("\<turnstile>\<^sub>t ({(1_)}/ (_)/ {(1_)})" 50)
Skip:  "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} SKIP {P}"  |

Assign:  "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P(s[a/x])} x::=a {P}"  |

Seq: "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P\<^sub>1} c\<^sub>1 {P\<^sub>2}; \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P\<^sub>2} c\<^sub>2 {P\<^sub>3} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P\<^sub>1} c\<^sub>1;;c\<^sub>2 {P\<^sub>3}"  |

If: "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s} c\<^sub>1 {Q}; \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> \<not> bval b s} c\<^sub>2 {Q} \<rbrakk>
  \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2 {Q}"  |

    \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s \<and> T s n} c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> (\<exists>n'<n. T s n')})
   \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> (\<exists>n. T s n)} WHILE b DO c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> \<not>bval b s}"  |

conseq: "\<lbrakk> \<forall>s. P' s \<longrightarrow> P s; \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}; \<forall>s. Q s \<longrightarrow> Q' s  \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
           \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P'}c{Q'}"

lemma While_fun:
  "\<lbrakk> \<And>n::nat. \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s \<and> n = f s} c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> f s < n}\<rbrakk>
   \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} WHILE b DO c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> \<not>bval b s}"
  by (rule While [where T="\<lambda>s n. n = f s", simplified])

lemma strengthen_pre:
  "\<lbrakk> \<forall>s. P' s \<longrightarrow> P s;  \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P'} c {Q}"
by (metis conseq)

lemma weaken_post:
  "\<lbrakk> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q};  \<forall>s. Q s \<longrightarrow> Q' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q'}"
by (metis conseq)

lemma Assign': "\<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> Q(s[a/x]) \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} x ::= a {Q}"
by (simp add: strengthen_pre[OF _ Assign])

lemma While_fun':
assumes "\<And>n::nat. \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> bval b s \<and> n = f s} c {\<lambda>s. P s \<and> f s < n}"
    and "\<forall>s. P s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s"
shows "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} WHILE b DO c {Q}"
by(blast intro: assms(1) weaken_post[OF While_fun assms(2)])

theorem hoaret_sound: "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}  \<Longrightarrow>  \<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}"
proof(unfold hoare_tvalid_def, induction rule: hoaret.induct)
  case (While P b T c)
  have "\<lbrakk> P s; T s n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t. (WHILE b DO c, s) \<Rightarrow> t \<and> P t \<and> \<not> bval b t" for s n
  proof(induction "n" arbitrary: s rule: less_induct)
    case (less n) thus ?case by (metis While.IH WhileFalse WhileTrue)
  thus ?case by auto
  case If thus ?case by auto blast
qed fastforce+

definition wpt :: "com \<Rightarrow> assn \<Rightarrow> assn" ("wp\<^sub>t") where
"wp\<^sub>t c Q  =  (\<lambda>s. \<exists>t. (c,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<and> Q t)"

lemma [simp]: "wp\<^sub>t SKIP Q = Q"
by(auto intro!: ext simp: wpt_def)

lemma [simp]: "wp\<^sub>t (x ::= e) Q = (\<lambda>s. Q(s(x := aval e s)))"
by(auto intro!: ext simp: wpt_def)

lemma [simp]: "wp\<^sub>t (c\<^sub>1;;c\<^sub>2) Q = wp\<^sub>t c\<^sub>1 (wp\<^sub>t c\<^sub>2 Q)"
unfolding wpt_def
apply(rule ext)
apply auto

lemma [simp]:
 "wp\<^sub>t (IF b THEN c\<^sub>1 ELSE c\<^sub>2) Q = (\<lambda>s. wp\<^sub>t (if bval b s then c\<^sub>1 else c\<^sub>2) Q s)"
apply(unfold wpt_def)
apply(rule ext)
apply auto

inductive Its :: "bexp \<Rightarrow> com \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
Its_0: "\<not> bval b s \<Longrightarrow> Its b c s 0" |
Its_Suc: "\<lbrakk> bval b s;  (c,s) \<Rightarrow> s';  Its b c s' n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Its b c s (Suc n)"

lemma Its_fun: "Its b c s n \<Longrightarrow> Its b c s n' \<Longrightarrow> n=n'"
proof(induction arbitrary: n' rule:Its.induct)
  case Its_0 thus ?case by(metis Its.cases)
  case Its_Suc thus ?case by(metis Its.cases big_step_determ)

lemma WHILE_Its: "(WHILE b DO c,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>n. Its b c s n"
proof(induction "WHILE b DO c" s t rule: big_step_induct)
  case WhileFalse thus ?case by (metis Its_0)
  case WhileTrue thus ?case by (metis Its_Suc)

lemma wpt_is_pre: "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {wp\<^sub>t c Q} c {Q}"
proof (induction c arbitrary: Q)
  case SKIP show ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.Skip)
  case Assign show ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.Assign)
  case Seq thus ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.Seq)
  case If thus ?case by (auto intro:hoaret.If hoaret.conseq)
  case (While b c)
  let ?w = "WHILE b DO c"
  let ?T = "Its b c"
  have 1: "\<forall>s. wp\<^sub>t ?w Q s \<longrightarrow> wp\<^sub>t ?w Q s \<and> (\<exists>n. Its b c s n)"
    unfolding wpt_def by (metis WHILE_Its)
  let ?R = "\<lambda>n s'. wp\<^sub>t ?w Q s' \<and> (\<exists>n'<n. ?T s' n')"
  have "\<forall>s. wp\<^sub>t ?w Q s \<and> bval b s \<and> ?T s n \<longrightarrow> wp\<^sub>t c (?R n) s" for n
  proof -
    have "wp\<^sub>t c (?R n) s" if "bval b s" and "?T s n" and "(?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t" and "Q t" for s t
    proof -
      from \<open>bval b s\<close> and \<open>(?w, s) \<Rightarrow> t\<close> obtain s' where
        "(c,s) \<Rightarrow> s'" "(?w,s') \<Rightarrow> t" by auto
      from \<open>(?w, s') \<Rightarrow> t\<close> obtain n' where "?T s' n'"
        by (blast dest: WHILE_Its)
      with \<open>bval b s\<close> and \<open>(c, s) \<Rightarrow> s'\<close> have "?T s (Suc n')" by (rule Its_Suc)
      with \<open>?T s n\<close> have "n = Suc n'" by (rule Its_fun)
      with \<open>(c,s) \<Rightarrow> s'\<close> and \<open>(?w,s') \<Rightarrow> t\<close> and \<open>Q t\<close> and \<open>?T s' n'\<close>
      show ?thesis by (auto simp: wpt_def)
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding wpt_def by auto
  note 2 = hoaret.While[OF strengthen_pre[OF this While.IH]]
  have "\<forall>s. wp\<^sub>t ?w Q s \<and> \<not> bval b s \<longrightarrow> Q s"
    by (auto simp add:wpt_def)
  with 1 2 show ?case by (rule conseq)

theorem hoaret_complete: "\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}"
apply(rule strengthen_pre[OF _ wpt_is_pre])
apply(auto simp: hoare_tvalid_def wpt_def)

corollary hoaret_sound_complete: "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q} \<longleftrightarrow> \<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {P}c{Q}"
by (metis hoaret_sound hoaret_complete)

paragraph "Extra:"

lemma total_imp_partial: "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q} \<Longrightarrow> \<turnstile> {P} c {Q}"
proof -
  assume "\<turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q}"
  then have "\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t {P} c {Q}" by (auto simp: hoaret_sound_complete)
  then have "\<Turnstile> {P} c {Q}"
    unfolding partial_hoare_valid_def hoare_tvalid_def using big_step_determ by blast
  thus "\<turnstile> {P} c {Q}"
    by (simp add: partial_hoare_complete)

paragraph \<open>Square Root Program\<close>

unbundle COM

definition "SQRT_vars \<equiv> {''L'',''R'',''M''}"

(*takes lower and upper bound for root*)
definition SQRT :: com where
"SQRT \<equiv>
  ''L'' ::= N 0;;
  ''R'' ::= Plus (V ''x'') (N 1);;
  WHILE (Less (Plus (V ''L'') (N 1)) (V ''R'')) DO (
    ''M'' ::= Div (Plus (V ''L'') (V ''R'')) (N 2);;
    IF (Less (V ''x'') (Mul (V ''M'') (V ''M'')))
    THEN (''R'' ::= V ''M'')
    ELSE (''L'' ::= V ''M''))"

unbundle ACOM

definition SQRT_annot :: "(state \<Rightarrow> assn) \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> acom" where
"SQRT_annot invar sorig \<equiv>
  ''L'' ::= N 0;;
  ''R'' ::= Plus (V ''x'') (N 1);;
  {invar sorig} WHILE (Less (Plus (V ''L'') (N 1)) (V ''R'')) DO (
    ''M'' ::= Div (Plus (V ''L'') (V ''R'')) (N 2);;
    IF (Less (V ''x'') (Mul (V ''M'') (V ''M'')))
    THEN (''R'' ::= V ''M'')
    ELSE (''L'' ::= V ''M''))"

unbundle COM

lemma SQRT_annot_strip: "strip (SQRT_annot invar sorig) = SQRT"
  unfolding SQRT_annot_def SQRT_def
  by auto

consts SQRT_invar :: "state \<Rightarrow> assn"

consts SQRT_measure :: "state \<Rightarrow> nat"


Template File

theory Submission
  imports Defs

definition SQRT_invar :: "state \<Rightarrow> assn"  where
  "SQRT_invar _ _ = True"

theorem SQRT_partially_correct:
  "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. s=sorig \<and> 0 \<le> s ''x''}
    {\<lambda>s. (s ''L'')^2 \<le> s ''x'' \<and> s ''x'' < (s ''L'' + 1)^2 \<and> (\<forall>v. v \<notin> SQRT_vars \<longrightarrow> s v = sorig v)}"
  (*Do not changes these lines*)
  apply (subst SQRT_annot_strip[of SQRT_invar sorig, symmetric])
  apply (rule vc_sound')
  (*Complete the proof*)

definition SQRT_measure :: "state \<Rightarrow> nat"  where
  "SQRT_measure _ = 0"

lemma SQRT_measure_correct:
    assumes "s ''L'' + 1 < s ''R''"
  shows "s ''x'' < ((s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2)^2 \<Longrightarrow>
    SQRT_measure (s(''M'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2, ''R'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2))
    < SQRT_measure s"
  and "\<not>(s ''x'' < ((s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2)^2) \<Longrightarrow>
    SQRT_measure (s(''M'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2, ''L'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2))
    < SQRT_measure s"


Check File

theory Check
  imports Submission

theorem SQRT_partially_correct: "\<turnstile> {\<lambda>s. s=sorig \<and> 0 \<le> s ''x''}
    {\<lambda>s. (s ''L'')^2 \<le> s ''x'' \<and> s ''x'' < (s ''L'' + 1)^2 \<and> (\<forall>v. v \<notin> SQRT_vars \<longrightarrow> s v = sorig v)}"
  by (rule Submission.SQRT_partially_correct)

lemma SQRT_measure_correct: "(s ''L'' + 1 < s ''R'') \<Longrightarrow> s ''x'' < ((s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2)^2 \<Longrightarrow>
    SQRT_measure (s(''M'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2, ''R'' := (s ''L'' + s ''R'') div 2))
    < SQRT_measure s"
  by (rule Submission.SQRT_measure_correct)


Terms and Conditions